Mario Hernandez (on and off, mostly off): “Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”
Jerri Johnson (away): Friday's Fantasy
Grace Olsson Fotograf(I´m abroad): Traditional Macua´s girl - Mozambique - Africa
Linc ~: Daydreamer
Daneli: Tea and biscuits my ass
Clara Holt: Freeze
Gene Wilburn: A Time for Reflection
Andrea Francesco Berni: Red and White
Berta...: one Macchiato with Magic Mouse, please ...
... marta ... maduixaaaa: Break (it not so) fast.
torchesforghosts: "You do not have a philosophy,"
Lebeg: Quiver.
Andrea Francesco Berni: My Soul's Body
►CubaGallery: portrait
2eyes_photos: the fairy tale book
2eyes_photos: maybe spring is coming
soleá: Broken Window
jon madison: polashow
seachels: Day Twelve
kimrose...: twitter
Sekator: suspect
Sekator: spring finally!
Sekator: whatever
nevertorun: faith
graphistolage: { mirage ... }