ADHocism: Neo Rauch at Zwirner
ADHocism: Neo Rauch at Zwirner
kbx / kobas laksa: The Paint Soldier / Żołnierz Malowany
kbx / kobas laksa: HOTEL POLONIA / Architecture Beyond Building / LICHEŃ WATER PARK
kbx / kobas laksa: hard_winter_2
ichstith: Happy Hell
Mr. Sable: house dive 01
megalith6: Avebury Film frames
megalith6: Avebury Film frames
oko-lab: filmstrip [2]
oko-lab: filmstrip [5]
The Library of Congress: With a little determination one can always find something to be thankful for (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Planning a novel amusement park on the many islands in Jamaica Bay (LOC)
The Library of Congress: When the swift aerial houseboat succeeds its sluggish brother to-day (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Borings are at last being made for the long talked of bridge across the Hudson that will join Manhattan island to New Jersey (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Deep sea fishing, where you may catch a tomcod or a shark, has joys all its own (LOC)
The Library of Congress: When burglars learn to handle the aeroplane with precision and silence (LOC)
The Library of Congress: One of the latest products of man's astonishing ingenuity is the walking wharf (LOC)
The Library of Congress: It takes a mountain of food to satisfy the appetite of Father Knickerbocker for one short week. (LOC)
Jian Ailin 简爱霖: Antioch bike ride 1960-61
My Grandma's treasure: Marie and Anna
andrealivesinwa: Washington Coast, 1965
andrealivesinwa: Dad, Coast Guard
andrealivesinwa: Dad's old house, North Seattle 1968