Laurel Fan:
Laurel Fan:
Always be log crossing
Laurel Fan:
The objective
Laurel Fan:
On your left, the Ice Cliff Glacier. On your right, the North Ridge
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Approaching the Ice Cliff
Laurel Fan:
View of magic ramp from
Laurel Fan:
Girth Pillar glamour shot
Laurel Fan:
Blue hallway
Laurel Fan:
A bit of ice
Laurel Fan:
Magic ramp
Laurel Fan:
The ice cliff
Laurel Fan:
Time to switch to rock
Laurel Fan:
Gaining the snowy North Ridge
Laurel Fan:
Alex digging us out of a black lichen hole
Laurel Fan:
Au cheval a la mode
Laurel Fan:
Contemplating the infamous ow pitch on the gendarme
Laurel Fan:
Yo dawg I heard you like water ice so put water ice in your crack
Laurel Fan:
Alex reunited with a long lost hex
Laurel Fan:
Sunset summit
Laurel Fan:
The good news is we have 4000 feet of relatively mellow snow to boot down
Laurel Fan: