Laurel Fan: Sunset summit
Laurel Fan: Crossing the snow on the backside
Laurel Fan: When it's too cold to climb in the patriotic bikinis
Laurel Fan: Sam and Kate crotch hopping
Laurel Fan: Multidirectional gear
Laurel Fan: Sam and Kate on the final ridge
Laurel Fan: Sam leading
Laurel Fan: Kate on the corner crack pitch
Laurel Fan: Sam on the corner crack pitch
Laurel Fan: Sam and Kate at the belay
Laurel Fan: Sam offwidthing
Laurel Fan: Sam's OW face
Laurel Fan: Mid-route flora
Laurel Fan: Max getting horizontal
Laurel Fan: Max getting horizontal
Laurel Fan: Descent to Source Lake
Laurel Fan: Tooth Summit
Laurel Fan: Topping out the last pitch
Laurel Fan: Topping out the last pitch
Laurel Fan: Topping out the last pitch
Laurel Fan: Topping out the last pitch
Laurel Fan: Topping out the last pitch
Laurel Fan: Topping out the last pitch
Laurel Fan: Topping out the last pitch
Laurel Fan: Leaving the glacier
Laurel Fan: Extra running belay practice
Laurel Fan: Prusiking out of a crevasse
Laurel Fan: Ice screw for running belay protection
Laurel Fan: Seated belay to protect stepping across a crevasse
Laurel Fan: Z-pulley station and camp