Laurel Fan: Ascending
Laurel Fan: Ascending
Laurel Fan: Ascending
Laurel Fan: Beacon Practice
Laurel Fan: Beacon Practice
Laurel Fan: Lunch Bench
Laurel Fan: Gray Jay
Laurel Fan: Gray Jay
Laurel Fan: Compression Test
Laurel Fan: Compression Test
Laurel Fan: Compression Test
Laurel Fan: Compression Test
Laurel Fan: Compression Test
Laurel Fan: Rutschblock
Laurel Fan: Rutschblock
Laurel Fan: Tracks toward Denny Mountain
Laurel Fan: Filling in the Snow Pits
Laurel Fan: Filling in the Snow Pits
Laurel Fan: Ready to Descend
Laurel Fan: Navigation
Laurel Fan: Navigation
Laurel Fan: View of the Pancake House
Laurel Fan: Navigation
Laurel Fan: Navigation