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Antarctica Trip Highlights Jan 2025
coot, red-banded
snipe, magellanic
wigeon, chiloe
sea lion, south american
penguin, magellanic
miner, common
gull, brown-hooded
sandpiper, baird's
grebe, white-tufted
oystercatcher, magellanic
negrito, austral
seal, weddell
seal, fur
seal, elephant
sheathbill, snowy
skua, brown
penguin, macaroni
penguin, gentoo
penguin, chinstrap
tern, antarctic
albatross, snowy
albatross, light-mantled
albatross, gray-headed
whale, fin
prion, fairy
prion, antarctic
petrel, white-chinned
albatross, southern royal
shearwater, sooty
prion, slender-billed
giant-petrel, northern
dolphin, hourglass
petrel, blue
giant-petrel, southern
whale, sei
cormorant, imperial
albatross, black-browed
teal, yellow-billed
pintail, yellow-billed
shoveler, red
gull, dolphin
gull, kelp
caracara, white-throated
tit-tyrant, tufted
treerunner, white-throated
blackbird, austral
rayadito, thorn-tailed
elaenia, white-crested
oystercatcher, blackish
cinclodes, buff-winged
duck, flightless steamer
skua, chilean
duck, flying steamer
goose, kelp
goose, upland
wren, southern house
tern, south american
finch, patagonian sierra
duicon, fire-eyed
duck, crested
swallow, chilean
siskin, black-chinned
buzzard-eagle, black-chested
thrush, austral
caracara, chimango
Sparrow, Saltmarsh
Sparrow, Nelson's
slider, yellow-bellied
frog, red-eyed tree
Brown Booby Boat Trip
booby, brown
starling, violet-backed
silverbill, african
munia, scaly-breasted
parakeet, rose-ringed
bulbul, red-whiskered
amakihi, o'ahu
munia, chestnut
coot, hawaiian
francolin, gray
tropicbird, white-tailed
shama, white-rumped
waxbill, common
frigatebird, great
white-eye, warbling
sparrow, java
duck, hawaiian/mallard?
gallinule, common (Hawaiian Subspecies)
Stilt, Black-necked (Hawaiian Subspecies)
mynah, common
finch, saffron
gecko, gold dust day
dove, zebra
tern, white
bulbul, red-vented
turtle, red-bellied
storm-petrel, wilson's
petrel, fea's
woodpecker, red-cockaded
warbler, swainson's
wolf, red
kingsnake, eastern
watersnake, banded
warbler, brewster's
finch, white-naped brush
sparrow, white-eared ground
junco, volcano
owl, tropical screech
woodcreeper, spot-crowned
peppershrike, rufous-browed
toucanet, northern emerald
owl, mottled
chlorophonia, golden-browed
hummingbird, fiery-throated
saltator, cinnamon-bellied
warbler, chestnut-capped
sparrow, cabanis's ground
jay, brown
nightingale-thrush, black-billed
pigeon, band-tailed
flycatcher, yellowish
vireo, yellow-winged
finch, yellow-thighed brush
mountain gem, white-throated
hummingbird, volcano
flycatcher, tufted
tyrranulet, torrent
hummingbird, talamanca
parakeet, sulphur-winged
hummingbird, stripe-tailed
quail, spotted wood
tanager, spangle-cheeked
chlorospingus, sooty-capped
thrush, sooty
flowerpiercer, slaty
cowbird, shiny
hummingbird, scintillant
nightingale-thrush, ruddy-capped
treerunner, ruddy
quetzal, resplendent
silky flycatcher, long-tailed
violetear, lesser
warbler, flame-throated
tanager, flame-colored
swift, emerald
euphonia, elegant
redstart, collared
tuftedcheek, buffy
grosbeak, black-thighed
solitaire, black-faced
warbler, black-cheeked
guan, black
parrot, yellow-naped
caracara, yellow-headed
warbler, yellow (mangrove subspecies)
tanager, white-winged
magpie-jay, white-throated
gecko, turnip-tailed
parakeet, orange-chinned
sparrow, orange-billed
pewee, northern tropical
jacana, northern
monkey, mantled howler
swallow, mangrove
woodpecker, lineated
nighthawk, lesser
ani, groove-billed
dove, gray-chested
cowbird, giant
antbird, dusky
thick-knee, double-striped
potoo, common
hawk, common black
trogon, black-headed
heron, bare-throated tiger
crocodile, american
kingfisher, amazon
puffbird, white-whiskered
crake, white-throated
parrot, white-crowned
manakin, white-collared
crake, uniform
motmot, turquoise-browed
flycatcher, tropical royal
mockingbird, tropical
greenlet, tawny-crowned
flycatcher, streaked
antpitta, streak-chested
macaw, scarlet
leaftosser, scaly-throated
sparrow, rufous-collared
becard, rose-throated
manakin, red-capped
owl, pacific screech
manakin, orange-collared
bat, northern ghost
seedeater, morelet's
motmot, lesson's
frog, green-and-black poison dart
hermit, green
tinamou, great
kite, double-toothed
emerald, coppery-headed
antbird, chestnut-backed
capuchin, white-faced
warbler, buff-rumped
grassquit, blue-black
saltator, black-headed
iguana, black spiny-tailed
scorpion, bark
toucan, yellow-throated
flatbill, yellow-olive
frog, yellow tree
euphonia, tawny-capped
wren, stripe-breasted
frog, strawberry poison dart
antbird, spotted
woodpecker, smoky-brown
frog, savage's thin-toed
frog, red-eyed tree
elaenia, mountain
frog, masked tree
frog, harlequin tree
chachalaca, gray-headed
woodpecker, golden-olive
trogon, gartered
flycatcher, common tody
sloth, three-toed
parrot, brown-hooded
basilisk, brown
flycatcher, boat-billed
snake, black halloween
antwren, barred
euphonia, yellow-throated
hummingbird, violet-headed
seedeater, variable
hermit, stripe-throated
flycatcher, social
honeycreeper, shining
dacnis, scarlet-thighed
mourner, rufous
parrot, red-lored
flycatcher, olive-sided
oropendola, montezuma
tyrant, long-tailed
flycatcher, ochre-bellied
woodcreeper, wedge-billed
pygmy-tyrant, scale-crested
amieva, middle american
motmot, broad-billed
woodcreeper, cocoa
tanager, carmiol's
tanager, black-and-yellow
monkey, spider
fairy, purple-crowned
warbler, golden-crowned
saltator, buff-throated
greenlet, lesser
hawk, barred
falcon, bat
trogon, slaty-tailed
jacamar, rufous-tailed
flycatcher, piratic
tityra, masked
curassow, great
flycatcher, gray-capped
tanager, golden-hooded
toad, giant
guan, crested
aracari, collared
oropendola, chestnut-headed
sparrow, black-striped
coquette, black-crested
oriole, black-cowled
owl, black-and-white
vireo, yellow-green
coati, white-nosed
hawk, white
sabrewing, violet
squirrel, variegated
woodcreeper, streak-headed
squirrel, red-tailed
cuckoo, squirrel
tanager, speckled
lapwing, southern
redstart, slate-throated
tanager, silver-throated
tanager, scarlet-rumped
hummingbird, rufous-tailed
wren, rufous-naped
pigeon, red-billed
tanager, palm
blackbird, melodious
starthroat, long-billed
woodpecker, hoffman's
lancebill, green-fronted
brilliant, green-crowned
thorntail, green
honeycreeper, green
heron, fasciated tiger
tanager, emerald
woodnymph, crowned
parakeet, crimson-fronted
tanager, crimson-collared
chlorospingus, common
thrush (CR), clay-colored
lizard, canopy
swallow, blue-and-white
tanager, blue-and-gold
nightingale-thrush, black-headed
woodpecker, black-cheeked
tanager, bay-headed
wren, bay
waxwing, bohemian
vole, meadow
grouse, sharp-tailed
shrike, northern
badger, american
owl, northern hawk
hare, snowshow
marten, pine
jay, canada
redpoll, common
Patuxent Research Refuge North Tract Summer Highlights
swamphen, gray-headed
jay, florida scrub
armadillo, nine-banded
cooter, red-bellied
warbler, connecticut
blackbird, brewer's
Bunting, Lark
marmot, yellow-bellied
sandpiper, upland
kingbird, western
salamander, western tiger
ground squirrel, uinta
hawk, rough-legged
otter, north american river
trout, cutthroat
Swallow, Violet-green
Crossbill, Red
towhee, spotted
wren, rock
deer, mule
flycatcher, dusky
sheep, Bighorn
meadowlark, western
skunk, striped
thrasher, sage
weasel, least
chipmunk, least
magpie, black-billed
phalarope, Wilson's
gull, franklin's
gull, california
swallow, bank
lizard, six-lined racerunner
grouse, ruffed
swift, chimney
turtle, blanding's
turtle, northern map
whip-poor-will, eastern
turtle, midland painted
duck, mexican
South Texas Birding Highlights April 2023
swallow, cave
dove, white-tipped
sparrow, vesper
shorebirds, mixed
owl, elf
thrush, clay-colored
kingfisher, green
sandpiper, stilt
scaup, greater
cormorant, neotropic
thrasher, long-billed
javelina (collared peccary)
pauraque, common
hawk, white-tailed
parula, tropical
owl, ferruginous pygmy
hog, feral
oriole, audubon's
woodpecker, golden-fronted
lizard, texas spiny
chachalaca, plain
sparrow, olive
jay, green
kite, white-tailed
ibis, white-faced
lizard, rose-bellied
kingfisher, ringed
grebe, least
watersnake, diamondback
kingbird, couch's
lizard, common spotted whiptail
hummingbird, buff-bellied
flycatcher, brown-crested
cowbird, bronze
titmouse, black-crested
oriole, altamira
parakeet, green
slider, red-eared
kiskadee, great
frog, pickerel
Frog, Leopard
shelduck, common
goose, ross's
Eider, King
Sparrow, Harris's
2022 Highlights
tanager, western
owl, western screech
owl, pharaoh eagle
owl, milky/Verreaux's eagle
caracara, crested
buzzard, augur
salamander, marbled
snake, ribbon
pigeon, common wood
eagle, white-tailed
goose, tundra bean
redshank, spotted
treecreeper, short-toed
deer, roe
pheasant, Ring-necked
kite, red
crow, hooded
harrier, hen
greenfinch, european
tit, great
grebe, great crested
bustard, great
sparrow, eurasian tree
teal, eurasian
squirrel, eaurasian red
jackdaw, eurasian
pochard, common
crane, common
gull, caspian
tit, blue
redstart, black
tanager, silver-beaked
white-eye, golden
treefrog, gray
treefrog, green
Newfoundland Highlights July 2022
goose, pink-footed
ptarmigan, willow
storm-petrel, leach's
murre, thick-billed
murre, common
kittiwake, black-legged
grosbeak, pine
flycatcher, yellow-bellied
chickadee, boreal
sparrow, henslow's
greensnake, rough
frog, green
rail, king
snake, dekay's brownsnake
crab, ghost
snake, black racer
crab, fiddler
bittern, least
turtle, mud
milksnake, eastern
bat, eastern red
vireo, philadelphia
squirrel, fox
cuckoo, black-billed
woodpecker, ladder-backed
jay, mexican
squirrel, harris's antelope
prairie dog, black-tailed
sapsucker, red-naped