lephotos: Haha elephant baby
lephotos: Arianna - 2 months
lephotos: Hades Reznor Brown. My first puppy. August 7, 2007 - February 5, 2013. I miss him more every day...love you boy.
lephotos: My ring came in. In memory of my loving #labradorretriever who was taken far too soon...
lephotos: Crash Flowers
lephotos: Crash Flowers
lephotos: Albion Falls, Hamilton
lephotos: Little Buddy.
lephotos: Dragonfly
lephotos: Lower Tews Falls
lephotos: Base of Tews Falls
lephotos: There's big...then there's BIG.
lephotos: Interested
lephotos: Please Mum
lephotos: At Play
lephotos: Sunrise, Exuma, Bahamas
lephotos: Lizard
lephotos: Exuma, Bahamas
lephotos: Flowers, Exuma, Bahamas
lephotos: Flamingo Beach, Exuma, Bahamas
lephotos: Laura
lephotos: February Moon
lephotos: Ares Vedder Brown: two years & six months.
lephotos: Hades Reznor Brown: three years & six months.
lephotos: February Sunset
lephotos: January Sunset
lephotos: Snowy Day in Brantford
lephotos: Summer Time
lephotos: Birthday
lephotos: Baby