launeu: JOOK. And tea.
launeu: Beam me up!
launeu: Rustic done right. Bundling up in wool sweaters and watching a screener of True Grit
launeu: Closest I'll ever get to Ferngully
launeu: A 6-point deer walked behind me as I took this. Nature!
launeu: Driving over the San Mateo Bridge. How I've missed you San Francisco.
launeu: Soup-to-go in the snow. In a honeymoon phase with the first snowfall.
launeu: Symbolic danger
launeu: S(noooooooo)w
launeu: I turn into a babushka snail when it's 20 degrees out
launeu: My hovel of a workspace, where I don't have to write another paper for over a month!
launeu: Is watching me write a paper really that exciting? Staring contest, party of one.
launeu: A starters kit from Argentina.
launeu: What a mate surprise in the mail! Now I have silver straw gourd drinking power. The best part is the spanish-only instructions. cc: @hir0
launeu: Massachusetts Avenue, across from MIT
launeu: I don't know if my study buddy is helping me get anything done...
launeu: Daily commute
launeu: Walking to the library to the rhythms of bloc party
launeu: Reading is better with a dog.
launeu: Best coffee in town.
launeu: Dining in a wood-paneled establishment
launeu: There was a pink sky beyond the wall of knowledge
launeu: The quietest, biggest room I've ever been in.
launeu: Today's reading nook brought to you by faded Victorian florals
launeu: Caught
launeu: Proud
launeu: Demo-mode