laura_morgan: Disneyland!
laura_morgan: Snow
laura_morgan: Alice in the snow
laura_morgan: More snow
laura_morgan: Johnny Depp! Nearly
laura_morgan: Pretty
laura_morgan: Indiana Jones et le Temple du Peril
laura_morgan: Pirates of the Caribbean
laura_morgan: Thunder Mountain
laura_morgan: Some people who aren't William and Alice, because I wasn't quick enough, on Indiana Jones et le Temple du Peril
laura_morgan: Cold
laura_morgan: Sleeping Beauty's castle
laura_morgan: Mary Poppins and Bert the sweep
laura_morgan: Generic baddie
laura_morgan: Bad queen from...I have no idea. Ask Alice.
laura_morgan: I know this one. The Lion King!
laura_morgan: ...or possibly the Jungle Book, I'm no longer sure.
laura_morgan: No, wait, is *this* the Jungle Book?
laura_morgan: I'm going to say Aladdin
laura_morgan: Generic prince