laura_morgan: Taking the scenic route home.
laura_morgan: McDonald's tree.
laura_morgan: Venison with a parma ham crisp.
laura_morgan: Photo
laura_morgan: Sunset in Cyprus.
laura_morgan: This will be the cover for my next album.
laura_morgan: Photo
laura_morgan: Scattered light from my mirror mosaic lampshade
laura_morgan: From the balcony
laura_morgan: Even less of the west pier than last time I visited.
laura_morgan: Photo
laura_morgan: LFF closing gala
laura_morgan: Tree-angle.
laura_morgan: Laban, under a bridge.
laura_morgan: Weirdy full moon in clouds last night
laura_morgan: Pink
laura_morgan: img_2779
laura_morgan: Drumming
laura_morgan: New hair
laura_morgan: Mum and Dad's garden, Sunday morning
laura_morgan: Capacity crowd at Selhurst for the first leg of the playoffs.
laura_morgan: Self-portrait with St Paul's
laura_morgan: A portion of the 13th century London Bridge
laura_morgan: Monument, Friday morning.
laura_morgan: The fire-breathing dragon outside the castle
laura_morgan: Late-night snack stalls
laura_morgan: Market Square
laura_morgan: Sculpture in the Market Square
laura_morgan: Wawel after sunset