laura_morgan: Truck in Hicksville, NY
laura_morgan: Another truck in Hicksville, NY
laura_morgan: Taxi in Hicksville, NY
laura_morgan: Long Island Railroad train
laura_morgan: Midtown New York, near Times Square
laura_morgan: Ish outside the Empire State Building
laura_morgan: Ish riding the New York subway
laura_morgan: Ish n the Staten Island ferry
laura_morgan: Statue of Liberty from Manhattan
laura_morgan: East side of Manhattan
laura_morgan: Statue of Liberty n the Ellis Island ferry
laura_morgan: a seagull
laura_morgan: Hicksville station
laura_morgan: a bus in Hicksville
laura_morgan: a turtle in the Linek family home
laura_morgan: the Linek family fireplace
laura_morgan: Patch the cat eyeing Ish
laura_morgan: the Linek family turtle
laura_morgan: the Linek family living room
laura_morgan: Tom, Susan and Ozzie
laura_morgan: me n Ozzie
laura_morgan: Dan in his role as fire watcher
laura_morgan: Dan still watching the fire
laura_morgan: Mara n Ish
laura_morgan: a hot fire in April
laura_morgan: Mara warming herself by the fire
laura_morgan: a pensive Susan
laura_morgan: the linek family watch Ish enjoying himself
laura_morgan: Ish n the Linek family
laura_morgan: Tom's car and Mara's car