annkelliott: Rest in Peace, dear Aileen
annkelliott: Beautiful black and white barn
annkelliott: Handsome Mule Deer buck
annkelliott: Killdeer, part of broken wing display
Philpete: IMG_9522
annkelliott: Wood Duck / Aix sponsa, male
annkelliott: Cedar Waxwing / Bombycilla cedrorum
annkelliott: American White Pelicans / Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
annkelliott: Old barn (shed, garage?) and Plymouth Valiant 1964, Dorothy, Alberta
Philpete: IMG_9077
Philpete: IMG_8945
annkelliott: Heavy horse (Belgians) harvesting
annkelliott: Dairy Barn, Bar U Ranch
benpsut: Southbound Coloring Book
George Dixon: Opening for the world
Philpete: Wilsons Woodpecker
Philpete: Lewis's woodpecker
Philpete: Lola
Philpete: Lola
Philpete: Lola 1 & Lola 2
Philpete: IMG_8098
Philpete: IMG_7589
AnitaErdmann: Iceberg Beach Iceland
Philpete: IMG_8038
Philpete: Raccoons in my yard in Calgary 4 at 4 AM
Philpete: Raccoons in my yard in Calgary 4 at 4 AM
Philpete: IMG_7899