Jeff Clow: Blue in the Backyard
JRVANDELLEN: Dragonfly 3
pamelalong: Great Blue 4
muzina_shanghai: DSC00149
0zzie: 0zzie
birdyboo: Evening Echinacea
dbarronoss: Magnolia stellata flowers
cursedthing: The letter S for TWTME Scavanger hunt
dawnzy58: ~graceful
Matthew Fang: Seedling
PollyMM: Lucifer
littlenelly (rare but there): Another Brick in the Wall
Carl Carl: Chicago Building
FaceMePLS: Leiden straatmuzikantenconcours
Chris.Gordon: What the Mind sees
J R Webb: Review
Alexander Yates: Puffin, Dead On
Kaos2: Close up Sago palm frond
judo_dad1953: Old Places!
locaburg: IMG_0957
courtneyutt: incense
jim_mcculloch: Another south Austin landscape