christophr: Lost Lagoon Lake, Stanley Park
christophr: Perspective lines converge, II
christophr: Joey's
christophr: Perspective lines converge
christophr: Hazy shade of building
christophr: Sailing away into the sunset
christophr: Vancouver skyline
christophr: The contrast tree
christophr: This is jellyvision
christophr: I am a Canadian aquarium drinker
christophr: Vancouver nights
christophr: Do you have a flag?
christophr: Aqualicious
christophr: Gatorade
christophr: Upstream
christophr: Canadian-geese
christophr: Overpass
christophr: His name was Ted. Or maybe it was Frederick.
christophr: Reflections
christophr: Pot of gold
christophr: Grapes of wrath
christophr: Steve & Amanda
christophr: Matthew & Angella
christophr: Okanagan sunset