christophr: The Three Amigos
christophr: "Ok, which one of you ate the last of the cat's tuna-flavored Friskies? You're both getting breathalyzer'd for tuna, you know that, right?"
christophr: 40 is the new…uh…40 is better than…um…40 just so happens to be…holy shit you guys, I’m 40. 0_o
christophr: 157824112_d79904697f_o
christophr: Last night's #sunset was (cold and) pretty.
christophr: Latergram of this tree. One week ago it was on fire and looked like this. Today, it has 3 leaves left. Was so much better a week ago.
christophr: WHO IS MY GOOD BOY?!
christophr: Hope everyone had a good day. :)
christophr: Crazy sunset is crazy. #vscocam
christophr: “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have
christophr: Madison Public Library
christophr: More #chicago via #vscocam.
christophr: Taken through window of moving car. Just another #vscocam #sunset.
christophr: Late-afternoon backyard fire + sunset + #vscocam = this photo.
christophr: Fall sunset through window.
christophr: Fall is coming and I'm just fine with that.
christophr: Moody #chicago + #vscocam
christophr: #chicago skyline + #vscocam
christophr: Swingers.
christophr: Sunlight reflecting off building making the streetlights look illuminated. #chicago #vscocam #throughabuswindow
christophr: Turns out, #Chicago has lots of these things.
christophr: Way to be awesome at sunset, Chicago.
christophr: upload
christophr: It's a #skyscraper in Chicago but I don't know it's name. Anyone?
christophr: #Chicago #skyline taken through funky window of moving train. #cityscapes
christophr: I'm comin home, via #Chicago. #vscocam #wilco
christophr: #Chicago, I like your #NavyPier.
christophr: Looking up. #vscocam #picfx
christophr: Second version, made with #mextures. Thoughts? Opinions? Criticisms? Anyone? Bueller?