christophr: Light
christophr: Crossing over
christophr: Tall, tall buildings
christophr: Powell's City of Books
christophr: The Cramps
christophr: Reason 4,328 why I love Portland: Even the garbage cans make statements
christophr: Split-screen fall leaves
christophr: Feist is AMAZING!
christophr: A Leafy Scene
christophr: Autumn leaves
christophr: LampShade
christophr: Portland, 23rd Street
christophr: Powell's (aka: mecca)
christophr: Some Random Building, Portland
christophr: Flagless Pole
christophr: Contrasts and Angles
christophr: Roundabout
christophr: Streetcorner Serenade
christophr: Portland Park
christophr: Dry Leaves
christophr: Flaming Tree
christophr: Breaking Light
christophr: Petals
christophr: A Rose By Any Other Name...
christophr: Leaf Obsession
christophr: Leaves Everywhere
christophr: Lotus Cafe
christophr: Reflection
christophr: Wet and Colorful