ibethmuttis: Luces y sombras. Lights and shadows.
ibethmuttis: Tots els camins són record o pregunta. Todos los caminos son recuerdo o pregunta. All ways are memory or question
ibethmuttis: Hverir. Namafjall. Iceland
ibethmuttis: Res sobreviu, només la natura dura sempre. Nada sobrevive, sólo la naturaleza dura siempre. Nothing ever survives except nature.
ibethmuttis: Namafjall. Gheotermal area. Iceland.
ibethmuttis: Silenci damunt la quietud dels somnis. Silencio en la quietud de los sueños. Silence on the stillness of dreams
vulture labs: Guiding Light
Mia Minor: quiet, cold and silent midnight walk...
azrudin: docking
georgerani532: Take my hand
vulture labs: Frozen
vulture labs: Ghost in the Machine
vulture labs: Generation X
vulture labs: Open the flood gates
vulture labs: Thames 6 am
vulture labs: 2 million watts
vulture labs: Apparition
vulture labs: London
vulture labs: Rejuvenation
vulture labs: Full steam ahead
vulture labs: straight up
vulture labs: Rise of the Machines
vulture labs: Vision
vulture labs: Welcome to the Machine II
vulture labs: Thames Barrier
vulture labs: Shard of Light