kentkb: IMG_4975
tray: yay! my new cardigan! merry Christmas to me (from me)
aplumb: 3D Printing PLA on Tissue Paper - IMG_0456.JPG
aplumb: You can never have just one Weeping Angel - IMG_0645.JPG
Scott Beale: White Elephant 2012
brucesflickr: Merry Xmas
liza31337: IMG_2014.jpg
JohnEdgarPark: IMG_5117
JohnEdgarPark: IMG_5124
JohnEdgarPark: IMG_5125
JohnEdgarPark: IMG_5127
JohnEdgarPark: Massimo Banzi Grande
JohnEdgarPark: Flush MintyBoost
JohnEdgarPark: MintyBoost guts
JohnEdgarPark: kleinBag
JohnEdgarPark: Cthulhu mobile
fraying: Planter in place
dr3x: Eternal Vigilence is the Price of Liberty
smellsofbikes: thereIfixedIt
tatzelbrumm: IMG_20120828_102809
aerophoto2: Crown
Halcyon: IMG_4134
Halcyon: IMG_4132
Halcyon: Packing pink
Halcyon: Rainbow Dance 2007 - Carrie Camacho
pixie1339: Light and shade
hudson: Mac SE ROM images