loufi: hall of shame
Russell_Darling: Lenticular Rabbit
wernerdesignwerks: Introduction, Blocky or small
alanah.montreal: cars at the dump
sharon.schneider: Dealing with our waste
lostajy: Delicias Station and Rubbish Dump
gagilas: london lite (eye)
ericalaspada: 10/365
kaktuslampan: Up the Escalator
Jeremy Brooks: All Very Nice
tray: IMG_9609
image munky: Off to the burger joint
eysteina: Safety first
sbug: jellyfish II
fazen: out of place
am.ez: Modern life is rubbish
Claire_Sambrook: Plastic Beaches
woodleywonderworks: permutation
Samchio.: na Escadaria
Samchio.: rio Tietê
Miquel Bohigas: La muntanya de les deixalles
Miquel Bohigas: camp de concentració
Miquel Bohigas: El rei blanc
Kevin Krejci: Plastic Ocean
baboon™: Bugs
baboon™: sick!
ahknight: Trash day?
Jim Thornton: Unnatural Flowers