StoSmettendoDiSognare: The catcher in the rye
guineapiglover30: Tardis😀
guineapiglover30: Blueberry again
guineapiglover30: Blueberry
SandyEm: Old cat is doing old cat things
Nerdist: THIS IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. @johnscotbarrowman @anagasteyer @emmykinney #TalkingDead
Nerdist: What is...HOLY SHIT?!
SophieMuc: Winterwonderland
Nerdist: Some people tell me I look like Jesse Pinkman. I don't know why yo.
SophieMuc: fighting seagulls...
StoSmettendoDiSognare: Cruel Intentions
Nerdist: I love Maria Bamford!!!! Special appearance by coat hangers.
Nerdist: The accents in Edinburgh make even the creepiest of words sound lovely! I'm looking at you, Cockburn Street...
guineapiglover30: MeatBall!
guineapiglover30: A very polite bear