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Jeff Clow: Late Light at Moab
Jeff Clow: Early Autumn Light
Jyrki Salmi: Langinkoski rapids
Samantha Decker: Lake Louise at Sunrise
Samantha Decker: Congress Park at Night
Samantha Decker: Snake River Overlook Sunset
Samantha Decker: Christmas Casey
Samantha Decker: Lower Yellowstone Falls
Samantha Decker: Ornament Valley
Samantha Decker: Silky Waters at McDonald Creek
luigig75: Milky Way @ Campo Imperatore
Jeff Clow: First Light in the Forest
Samantha Decker: The Giant Whale at the American Museum of Natural History
Samantha Decker: Fall Foliage at the 9/11 Memorial
Samantha Decker: Congress Park Carousel
Samantha Decker: Milk and Cereal
Samantha Decker: Saratoga Spa State Park - Reprocessed
Samantha Decker: Lake Sherburne
Samantha Decker: Canoe on Lake Louise
Samantha Decker: Dramatic Moraine Lake
Samantha Decker: Bow Lake
Samantha Decker: Bar U Ranch's Resident Saddle Maker
Samantha Decker: The Snake Winds at Oxbow Bend
Samantha Decker: Under the Shade
Nguyen Xuan Tung: District 1 and District 4 - Ho Chi Minh City
Jorge Quinteros: Cub & Co
AgelsGold - 0904 030682: Vivitar 135 f2.8 for M42 mount fullbox