May-margy: F_DSC8795-Nakon D800E-Nikkor 28-300mm-May Lee 廖藹淳
wrc213: 頭前溪豆腐
wrc213: 鳳凰山麓
.Randy.: Waterfront City
nthuphoto60: 清大校門
nthuphoto60: 相思之鏡
nthuphoto60: 午後
nthuphoto60: 人文薈萃
nthuphoto60: 仰望
andidrew: circling that shadow
Sandor's Album: IMG_5268_大專盃女排挑戰B預賽_清大女排
wrc213: 101車軌
wrc213: 101
Alex Szymanek: Happy New Year!
wrc213: 冰洞
wrc213: 纏腰
Oliver Kay Photography: Lost In Space
Flickr: Flickr Friday: #RememberWhen
Alexandr Tikki: Balloon flight (Explore)
Dhina A: Rose
Dave Sexton: The RatHaus, Aachen
benn-oh: Aachener Dom / aachen cathedral
Jan Kranendonk: Aachen Cathedral
Jan Kranendonk: Aachen Cathedral
albert dros: Haarlem Mirror
Maria_Globetrotter: The forever blue hour summer night, Stockholm [Explore #1 - thank you all!!]
nine0 Wang: DSCF9023
nine0 Wang: DSCF9038
nine0 Wang: DSCF9004