L 1209: Have a peaceful Sunday everyone.
L 1209: The bat house
L 1209: In our life there is a single color, as on an artist's palette, which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the color of love. Marc Chagall
L 1209: Flying by...
L 1209: i thank You God for most this amazing day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes
L 1209: Every creature is better alive than dead, men and moose and pine trees and he who understands it alright will rather preserve life than destroy it. Henry David Threau
L 1209: If I can put one touch of rosy sunset into the life of any man or woman, I shall feel that I have worked with God. G.K.Chesterton
L 1209: Health is the soul that animates all the enjoyments of Life, which fade and are tasteless without it. Seneca
L 1209: Ahhhh...thirst quenching!
L 1209: The Other Half....
L 1209: Water Ballet
L 1209: I'm in love with the potential of miracles. For me, the safest place is out on a limb. Shirley MacLaine
L 1209: All one has to do at the lake is sit, and let nature do the rest..
L 1209: Adirondacks on deck..
L 1209: Pier pressure
L 1209: A good incentive to mind your children, lol
L 1209: La Cremerie, a wonderful ice cream shoppe!
L 1209: Happy Mother's Day
L 1209: The adage "Finish what you started" shouldn't necessarily apply a big bag of M&Ms!
L 1209: Great Heron
L 1209: Lazy day on the lake..
L 1209: Four chairs with a view..
L 1209: Flower powered bike
L 1209: One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small and the ones that mother gives you don't do anything at all, Go ask Alice, when she's ten feet tall...
L 1209: Levitation!!..
L 1209: The Margarita..
L 1209: Thirsty?
L 1209: Why is green the color of envy? Envy is ugly..I think envy should be chartreuse..I don't like chartreuse!
L 1209: Absolute-ly!
L 1209: Another shot ....