Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Martinez Amtrak station
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: My ride's here, I've got to go
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: "All aboard! Last call!"
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Davis train station
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Sacramento train station
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Capitol Building
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Hall of power
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Sculpture in the Capitol Rotunda
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Sculpture at the Capitol
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Governor's office (period room)
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Governor's office (period room)
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Governor's Office
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: State Senate chamber
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: State Senate chamber
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: State Senate chamber
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: State Senate chamber
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: State Senate chamber
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: State Senate chamber
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Capitol interior
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Capitol interior
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Victorian good taste
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: State Assembly chamber
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Ready to launch?
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: A reference to pork barrel spending?