Lady Tracy o' the Disk: It's a long way to that tree
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: A happy hermit thrush
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: There is only here and now
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: A glorious day to be out and about
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Enjoy the show
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Bird on a wire
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Summer is not yet over
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Stuhlmuller winery
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Sing it from the treetops
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Bad feather day
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Should I or shouldn't I?
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Little yellow bird
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Quail at sunset
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Who, me? Nervous?
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: The last thing the gopher ever saw
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: 360 degree surveillance
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: A gopher's nightmare
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Moving the family, plate 1
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Moving the family, plate 2
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Out for a frolic
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Time for a little something?
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: The future is coming faster than we think
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: The new occupant
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Take me to the kittens!
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Flying Lilliputian
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Sing a song of freedom
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Neighborhood surveillance
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Gimme shelter