Lady Tracy o' the Disk: The Moat Tea Rooms
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Canterbury Cathedral
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Canterbury Cathedral
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Cathedral tower
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: We three kings
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Carvings in the cathedral
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Site of Thomas a Becket shrine
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Edward Plantagenet, the Black Prince
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Effigy in Canterbury Cathedral
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Pilgrim steps
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: One of the more modern stained-glass windows
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: The gatehouse
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Looking through the gatehouse
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: Canterbury street
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: An ancient survivor
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: The old and the new
Lady Tracy o' the Disk: 16th-century shop