Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Intricate wood carving
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Psychedelic flower trip
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Chapel at Fort Ross
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Historic Wah Hop store, Coloma
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Cary House Hotel, Placerville
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Double take
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Cary House Hotel lobby, Placerville
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Macaulay's History of England: A road not taken
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Reaching, ever reaching, for the sun
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Another sunset
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Fly on camellia bush leaf
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Ah, lovely!
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
I couldn't resist
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Uncle Herbert: A Man For All Worlds
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Uncle Herbert forever
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Zoomed-in Caine
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Too cute #1
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Too cute #2
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Soon to be married
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Doing what frogs do
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Frog swimming underwater
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Pond with frog eyes
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Zen master Frog
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
pi tasted
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Never smack your laptop!
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
Mike Love, Beach Boys lead singer
Lady Tracy o' the Disk:
A hazy shade of winter