thiagovoxel: Dark souls.
FALL~: #43
Ethan Takeda Lane: Heaven and Hell are right here. Behind every wall and every window.
CASPER BLANCO: A n g e l O f M y D r e a m s
Min-ho Ayashi-Austin: Like a Flower
Noctis Mysterious: Winds of Winter
Angelik Lavecchia: What's going on
Tryh Umfaunte Davonius: Break-up, itself, went "ok" though........
Ethan Takeda Lane: “…I pray this winter be gentle and kind – a season of rest from the wheel of the mind…”
Wolf Blackstorm: It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
artumercury: ♛1161♛
Min-ho Ayashi-Austin: Blood On White Satin
sam marville: A dragon's will cannot be contained
Steffy Ghost/ JackSpoon: Blake Eyeshadow at The Fifty
Raonhausen SL: Olivia @Tres Chic
Raonhausen SL: Veronik @Dubai
Raonhausen SL: Black Friday! November 20th