Dunwich Type: Grotesque No. 8 Type Specimen
Florian Hardwig: Galliera
anexasajoop: National Integration Language Series — Learn Kannada in 30 Days
Eye magazine: Eye 84 photo by Tipo e, editorial
alanjames341: Bookshop Signing
pilllpat (agence eureka): calendrier n4
Ben Mitchell2009: Warsaw street sign
Ben Mitchell2009: Jezuicka 6/8
Ben Mitchell2009: Kosmetyka
Jens_T: TYPO Berlin 2016 – Day One
akalollip: Biere schutzenberger, Strasbourg, France
mikeyashworth: London Transport 'standard' bullseye arrow - 1936
Tipo-grafiko: Singer
mikeyashworth: L'Espagne - poster by Guy Depière, 1933
bowroaduk: Former Truman's off licence, Edward Road E17
victorianlondon: Hope Mission, Webber Street, SE1
BobOsborn: Victoria - Cheshunt, Hertfordshire - c1910
BobOsborn: Goat - Forty Hill, Enfield, Middlesex - c1930
Indra Kupferschmid: off to the last summer trip for the year
ATypI.org: Catherine Dixon
nationalbreweryheritagetrust: 3057 (back of scan)
nationalbreweryheritagetrust: YarmouthArms.LowerThamesStreet.002a
nationalbreweryheritagetrust: YorkMinster FoleyStreet 001 (front of scan)
nationalbreweryheritagetrust: YorkshireGrey BethnalGreen 001 (front of scan)
nationalbreweryheritagetrust: YoungPrince RomanRoad 002 (front of scan)