Aidan McRae Thomson: Ely Cathedral (digitally restored to pre c1500)
Jelltex: The Cathedral Church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, Ely Cathedral, Ely, Cambridgeshire
Jelltex: Lasiocampa quercus
Jelltex: Hemistola chrysoprasaria
Jelltex: One hundred and ninety four
KT-wu: Sweet Alfie
Aidan McRae Thomson: Nave Ceiling, Ely Cathedral
National Library of Ireland on The Commons: From Lonely Herons to Flying Saucers
John Spooner: The Gavin Maxwell Memorial
Torsten schlüter: Hbf PHILIPS
Aidan McRae Thomson: Gabriel, Preston on Stour
kevinwg: Downy Woodpecker
Hairlover: Amber & Zaccheus
screenpunk: Memories of Ice and Snow
Jelltex: Canterbury Cathedral
John Spooner: Macro Mondays: Shell
Jelltex: St Stephen, Lympne, Kent
Jelltex: Two hundred and forty one
Jelltex: All Saints, Maidstone, Kent
Jelltex: All Saints, Maidstone, Kent
Coquine!: Black Cat In The Park
Jelltex: Insalata caprese and home made haloumi and chipotle spiced bread.
minnetonkafelix: Floating
screenpunk: Ruhrsee
Noiyra: Orca
BoydPhotoSpot: Nashville Warbler (2)
Aidan McRae Thomson: Easter Morning, Daventry
snowshoe hare*: pergola with climbing roses *