Sheffield Libraries, Archives and Information: Sheffield: 'City on the Move', 1970s
13rooke: IMG_0844
Eleanor Haf: Great tit
Eleanor Haf: Feeling sleepy
Eleanor Haf: Landing
Eleanor Haf: Two little sparrows
Eleanor Haf: Ginger beauty
dafoeoflenin23: Falling for you.
cybertect: Primary
Eleanor Haf: Peek a boo
cybertect: Behind the Curve
Martina/Saphine: Peanut Being Silly
Martina/Saphine: Blue-and-Gold Macaw
Martina/Saphine: Inseparable.
13rooke: 048
cybertect: 1000 Umbrellas
rosiew16: Moroccan Sunrise
Donn Thorson: FORD 8N TRACTOR
Maxdegtyarev: PPD-34
James Provost: better cities: magic cube method
Eleanor Haf: Treecreeper
cybertect: Arriva London T 66 [LJ59 ACY]
urjsa: Rhinocyllus conicus (Froelich, 1792)
PeteGreg Photography: 20131020 Fly Head
Signefotar: Bumblebee bum
Eleanor Haf: Mads Østberg - Wales Rally GB 2013
Eleanor Haf: Whoosh
Eleanor Haf: Sweet dreams
Eleanor Haf: Sunbathing sparrow