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In the neighbourhood
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In the neighbourhood 2
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Rot In Peace / Gnij i pozwól gnić innym
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Emerytura / Retirement
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T2 przy Nallikari / T2 by Nallikari
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VW Garbus / VW Käfer
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Czerwony poranek / Red matinée
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15:02, Budapeszt / 3:02PM, Budapest
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Jaśniejsza strona ulicy / Bright side of the street
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Niekrzepki Hanomag / Not-a-robust Hanomag
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Niemieckie auta i niemieckie drogi / German cars and germans roads
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Fiaty zdobędą wiosnę / Fiats will conquer the Spring
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Gdybym miałbyć samochodem, byłbym Garbusem / In case I had to be a car I would like to be a Beetle
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Maluch to owoc szczerej polskiej miłości do motoryzacji / Maluch is a fruit of true Polish love for cars