yonyitz: DSC00270
yonyitz: DSC00613
Chenoa Manor Animal Sanctuary: Chenoa Manor Thanksgiving - Hernando
Chenoa Manor Animal Sanctuary: Chenoa Manor Thanksgiving - Emu
Chenoa Manor Animal Sanctuary: Chenoa Manor Thanksgiving - Birds
tLove's pictures: Ellie with her new friend...Nutter
jdebner: President Obama likes the Steelers
junku: _MG_7144
junku: IMG01879
junku: 39444735.DSC_5095
iamkourt: graffiti on Mt. Washington
TV DiSKO: Ping Pong Country, Mighty Mighty, Wellington
TV DiSKO: Ping Pong Country, Mighty Mighty, Wellington
junku: _MG_2476
casual nick: IMG_0127
casual nick: IMG_0130
iamkourt: girlz
junku: _MG_1841
junku: _MG_2091
iamkourt: K & K
John Baird: Dexter Ann Arbor Run 2006
tLove's pictures: Writing on the wall
tLove's pictures: Orange juice stands
junku: img036