dolors ayxendri: decennals a Valls - explore 100
Stefano Santucci: Ocean's Eleven.
ditao: small love
Very Nice! How Much?: Aotearoa [Explore]
Pesi: solitude
MegsEks: 18/365 flee (first explore!?! thanks!)
Anuj Nair: Mango flower
Leilani Photographs: Day 172~And she was Blinded by the Light
mav_at: 5 - salat & co
smithmakaay: U are incomparable beauty [explored]
lennox_tpc: Explored: "Pinamucan Shore, Batangas City"
craftedfromtheheart: PAGAN MEMORIES
Rosanna L'Estrange-Bell: I'll walk miles for you... (explore)
Jhascrapmom: let us go in, the fog is rising ~
_ justintheframe_: Manchester City Limits
angus clyne: A Dialogue in Somerset
ninasclicks: Sunny Wood Fence
A. Shamandour: Get Into