kuroko*: FA DAL Another Rabbit Black Rabbit
kuroko*: ああ(/ _ ; )新しいドールの服が本当に欲しいな‼︎
kuroko*: I'd just found this old photo and so, Lyosha you're so lovely and ladylike (/。\)
kuroko*: 美男ですね…Looks who is finally arrived after so long ==+ He need a new faceup asap because really-- a beard. NO THANKS. 新しいボディが欲しいです、多分来月CROBIのBlineを買います‼(*^¬^*)
kuroko*: レムリ
kuroko*: I miss my camera a lot (;;)I hate to take photo with this phone-- btw Lyosha is perfect with all wig//
kuroko*: 2015 Wishlist 1) VOLKS SD17 Alain, I love him and I hope to get his head soon. 2) VOLKS SD Kazuya Kujo, he is so pretty!! 3) VOLKS SD17 Williams, not much to say, one of my grail. 4) VOLKS SD17 Hijikata Toshizo, he is really beautiful with some custom
kuroko*: アアアレディグレイはとても綺麗‼
kuroko*: Me - "My pretty prince is arrived at home" // G - "I am a Princess"
kuroko*: I want to get new pair of eyes for Reanbell, although I love his pink and red ones, on him them looks like glass eyes and not urethane ones ;3;/ maybe I will order from dollflower or ED eyes next month = =*
kuroko*: Finally the stupid post office have released my LM items!! So he is an Angel head, that I'll send to faceup when I'll find some money = =*
kuroko*: L - "You know, as a princess I need many more outfits than the few ones you've bought me" // Me - "Don't act as a spoiled child!!"
kuroko*: 可愛い♥︎ムーンはお姫様そんなに大好き!あなたはとても綺麗‼︎
kuroko*: Finally she/he is at home! Thank you again @turbow I'll take care of her, she is too beautiful = =*
kuroko*: Happy mail today (///7///)/ when I'll feel better I'll try the new clothes on my lovely dolls = =*
kuroko*: Finally you are here my lovely boy! Without eyes because I've miss the eye putty-- but anyway I LOVE YOU, his name is Lemuri!! @sumihi thank you again QAQ
kuroko*: I'm so glad that finally you two are in my hands, I was too excited and I'm too happy now = =*
kuroko*: Kuropi at the airport (///7///)/ we will take the flight in about one hour!!
kuroko*: よかった!くんはとても可愛い♥︎ I've to choose a name for him now-- hoping to receive him at home as soon as possible = =* ***Photo from the artist***
kuroko*: They have exceeded my offer TAT WHY U RE TOO HARD TO FIND FS ALAIN-- I LOVE YOU//criessilentlyinacorner
kuroko*: WAITING FOR// the ugly duckling-- after several mods and a new pretty faceup you'll become a wonderful swan = =*
kuroko*: 新しいカメラが必要です‼︎
kuroko*: Now my lovely heads are ready for the new faceups~ I hope to see them again soon = =+
kuroko*: I love the new movie a lot, can't wait for the BD released = =*
kuroko*: I can't wait to change Reaver's body to be able to play with him much more (。-_-。)
kuroko*: Someone really don't like to stay inside a suitcase (。-_-。) 私は退屈しています、うわああ待てない‼︎
kuroko*: Reanbell
kuroko*: Reanbell is ready to come back at home in Japan where his new friend is waiting for him \(//∇//)\
kuroko*: 2014 Wishlist
kuroko*: I hope to buy your wig soon do you can stop to use your daddy's one (。-_-。)