The result of January's film. The film is probably long expired and my camera may need a cleaning. The images were really noisy for ISO 200. We'll see what February brings. #nikonn2020
2015 goal - take one roll of film a month. This little girl is limiting but I'm excited to see what we can create together.
Top knot flamingos and a cheese smile. Followed by "ok Mom that's enough you're going to waste your battery"
Since we moved her to a big fur bed we gate her door for nap and bed. This is what she thinks of that! Tonight the gate is upside down 😉
Stinkpot. When she knows I'm about to loose my cool with 2 crazy kids in Costco she'll be all cute and say "take my picture!"
My only wish/resolution for 2015 was health. It lasted 4 hours into the new year for me and 2 days for this sweet peanut. #sosickofbeingsick #weakstomachs
I jinxed myself when I got this planned because it was most definitely the other way around. 2014 fell right behind 2012 as the worst year and I'm looking forward to 2015 with the optimism of health.
Every trip to the post office "take our picture on this thing!" Maybe it's time for a 365 project again 😉