FatZ*: DSC00467
Lilian Huang: I believe
ıusnɾ@w|©kedf|lm: Sunrise in Sibu
{katesea}: Smile and the world smiles with you.
Violet Kashi: Rainy weather
Violet Kashi: Morning Walk
Jamie Mellor: Sea Rainbow
*Jeffch: 葛老師表示:...
*Jeffch: 阿宅的靜物練習
roritherat: Rosi the Rescue
thomas@flickr: 000025
*Jeffch: The Old Barn on State Route 3024 (W. Whitehall Rd.)
*Jeffch: 這兩棵樹還真是讓人拍不膩耶
*Jeffch: 好正的相機
mxk466: DSC_0835
Teresa Q: - morning XV -