Kuky Ideas: Putting dog toys on the dog is great fun...for Nathan
Kuky Ideas: Hey Nathan, that's not your doggy bed
Kuky Ideas: These two...
Kuky Ideas: Yesterday, while walking Maggie, 2 loose big dogs rushed out of a house towards us. Luckily owner called them away before they got too close and they seemed friendly. But scary to think that all that stood between the kids and some strange dogs was me. So
Kuky Ideas: Took our walk at the park today
Kuky Ideas: From this morning at the park when most kids were in school
Kuky Ideas: Let's splash Nathan
Kuky Ideas: Mama! My pants are wet!!
Kuky Ideas: I don't want to splash with wet pants
Kuky Ideas: Puddle Splashing
Kuky Ideas: And Nathan wearing Isabelle's old boots again...awwwwww
Kuky Ideas: Late park day meant Alan got to come
Kuky Ideas: Batman bowls
Kuky Ideas: Waiting while Isabelle does archery
Kuky Ideas: "Enderman wants to go to the park". At the park, "Enderman wants his picture taken".