Kuky Ideas: Spiderman bouncy house
Kuky Ideas: Bouncing. The first thing Isabelle did when we arrived
Kuky Ideas: First thing I did. Put on sunblock.
Kuky Ideas: First thing Nathan did? Stuck this in his mouth.
Kuky Ideas: Then he crawled all over me
Kuky Ideas: And it was chilly so I put a coat on him. And he crawled on me some more.
Kuky Ideas: Cake time with Isabelle front and center blocking everyone
Kuky Ideas: Guarding her cake from Nathan
Kuky Ideas: Better position to guard her cake
Kuky Ideas: Right back to jumping
Kuky Ideas: Silly girl
Kuky Ideas: Tired Alan
Kuky Ideas: Playing with this muddy sand pit thing
Kuky Ideas: And then of course more jumping. Nathan's first time in a bouncer house
Kuky Ideas: Nathan and Isabelle
Kuky Ideas: Getting late
Kuky Ideas: Ready to head home
Kuky Ideas: But first we get some more play in
Kuky Ideas: And Isabelle not wanting to go home
Kuky Ideas: Potty break at Whole Foods because it was so late the park bathrooms were locked