Kuky Ideas:
Picking Nathan up
Kuky Ideas:
In a grocery bag
Kuky Ideas:
What makes an eight month old laugh
Kuky Ideas:
Big girl pushing the cart
Kuky Ideas:
First time in a high chair at a restaurant
Kuky Ideas:
Bridgette and Nathan
Kuky Ideas:
Two little baby teeth
Kuky Ideas:
Beep beep boop
Kuky Ideas:
Isabelle at four years nine months and Nathan at almost nine months
Kuky Ideas:
Nathan crawling
Kuky Ideas:
"What joyous thing did you say?"
Kuky Ideas:
Isabelle always wants to hold Nathan
Kuky Ideas:
Isabelle at four years nine months and Nathan at nine months family picture
Kuky Ideas:
Isabelle at four years nine months and Nathan at nine months family picture