spitsbergen: Hoy hoy captain
spitsbergen: Cheval
+matti: matti
xvlf: 〴⋋_⋌〵
xvlf: (⌐■_■)
loutsider: whole9
loutsider: whole10
loutsider: whole2
loutsider: www.loutsider.com
SZUM a.k.a. stachuszumski: ULEGLI NIEPODLEGLI
SZUM a.k.a. stachuszumski: society portrait
SZUM a.k.a. stachuszumski: We create mythology of our times
SZUM a.k.a. stachuszumski: it`s about holy cows
SZUM a.k.a. stachuszumski: powrót do dresiarstwa metafizycznego / to the jock methapyshics comeback
SZUM a.k.a. stachuszumski: Oltar of Exiled
manuelrogom: puddle
mike force >>>: cool dude
mike force >>>: big tots
mike force >>>: the bangels