kthread: tendrils at Barking Dog Farm
kthread: porch at Barking Dog Farm
kthread: rose
kthread: rose
kthread: purple plant (that I'm sure has a great name)
kthread: Handsome is Ag.It.Ta.ted.
kthread: Handsome is being handsome
kthread: apple tree
kthread: mass of orange
kthread: these are like firefly orbs
kthread: borage
kthread: wild arugula
kthread: poppies
kthread: tomato flowers
kthread: gorgeous female squash blossom
kthread: flowers
kthread: tomatoes
kthread: lettuces (these were so soft)
kthread: blueberries ripening
kthread: massive rhubarb
kthread: happy chickens roaming the yard
kthread: Emily
kthread: Jeremy hugging the chicken
kthread: clowning with the chicken
kthread: Jeremy and Emily walking toward the chicken house
kthread: as the sun streams in
kthread: happy chickens
kthread: in the chicken house, the wine boxes from the grapes they pressed
kthread: fresh eggs
kthread: fresh eggs