kthread: beginning of the Knight Commission Forum at Google HQ
kthread: badges for the Knight Commission Forum at Google HQ
kthread: badges for Knight Commission Forum at Google HQ
kthread: danah boyd asking about push/pull strategies in local information needs
kthread: Emmett Carson, CEO and President, Community Foundation of Silicon Valley on how to build community
kthread: Michael K. Powell of the Knight Commission asks the panel a question at the Community Forum
kthread: Jaime Contreras of Generation Engage at the Knight Commission Community Forum
kthread: Judy Nadler, Senior Fellow in Government Ethics, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University
kthread: danah boyd at Knight Commission Community Forum
kthread: Knight Commission Community Forum at Google
kthread: Knight Commission Community Forum at Google
kthread: Knight Commission Community Forum at Google
kthread: Knight Commission Community Forum at Google
kthread: Google cafeteria lunch at the Knight Commission Community Forum
kthread: Google cafeteria lunch at the Knight Commission Community Forum
kthread: walking through Charlie's at Google for lunch at Knight Commission Community Forum
kthread: Linda O'Bryon, Chief Content Officer, KQED Public Television talks about content collaboration at Knight Commission Community Forum
kthread: Andrew Mooney, Executive Director, Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) asking about business models for journalism
kthread: Jim Bettinger, director of the Knight Stanford Fellows program, on journalism business models
kthread: Michael K. Powell asking the panel about "information snacking"
kthread: Raj Jayadev, Founder, Silicon Valley De-Bug on how the internet is a gateway drug
kthread: Peter Shane on net freedoms
kthread: Mike McGuire, Vice President of Research, Gartner on closed systems
kthread: Mike McGuire, Vice President of Research, Gartner
kthread: Chris O'Brien on feeds and usability
kthread: Ted Olson asking about misinformation and repercussions
kthread: danah boyd on what happens with markets, norms are in conflict
kthread: Community Forum question: how can we bring tech to youth to help us all figure this out
kthread: Sandra Ball-Rokeach at Knight Commission meeting at Google
kthread: Alberto Ibargüen talking to InterNews, PCF, and Gary Kebbel at the Knight Commission event at Google