kthread: Blake opens the Wonder Bread bag
kthread: Regis accepts his support slice
kthread: Jake takes his support slice
kthread: Ginny leads, raising her slice to the big guy
kthread: Another toast to TJ
kthread: For the honor of our esteemed founder
kthread: We cross our hearts
kthread: And hope to be all the sports racer we can be
kthread: Dana directs the stair slice placement
kthread: Farrah negotiates between stairs
kthread: So very many carbs on the steps of the Rotunda
kthread: we pause--deign to acknowledge the Uninitiated as they pass
kthread: let the slices fall where they will
kthread: Yeah, gravity, yeah
kthread: With our powers combined
kthread: We. Are. Sports. Racers. Yes. Yes. Wahoo. Wa.
kthread: And now, to feed the duckies...