crazycrayola: Venezia Carnivale
Aaron Taddeo: Jewelry Store, Cape Code, MA
AndrewJames;: RIT Freshman Black and White Studies 1st Photo
Aaron Taddeo: Behind the Highland Bowl, Rochester, NY
Lill-Veronica Skoglund: Some velvet morning.
Michæl Paukner: Mona Lisa
Wolfyy: Eye of Ra Quattroporte.
rhsand1: Old Bottles, Old Window
Wolfyy: Leila
Ángel Febrero: Mosca común, 2
Matthias Lenke: Zweifleckiger Zipfelkäfer / Common Malachite beetle / Malachius bipustulatus
Matthias Lenke: Head of Ophion obscuratus (Sichelwespe)
Matthias Lenke: Gemeine Florfliege / common green lacewing / Chrysoperla carnea
Matthias Lenke: Polierfliege / Lauxaniid fly (Calliopum sp.)
t.tiebout: Graphium antheus (butterfly)
picsure_this: Final Project(1)- Carter
Harrison Co: Letchworth Stairs
Wolfyy: Soundboard
Harrison Co: Mendon Pond
sarah_oros: Lightbulb filament
picsure_this: Kendra
Alex Fierro-Clarke: Scaffold 1