Kamal50: Nacunda.....with legs!
Kester Clarke: Giant Anteater
Kamal50: Beautiful But Shy
Kamal50: Tropical Parula
Kamal50: Harder to find Sep-Nov
Kamal50: Aplomado Falcon
miTsu-llaneous: Male White-Tailed Sabrewing
miTsu-llaneous: On A Different Cloud
Kamal50: Hi-yaaaa
S.J. Trinidad & Tobago Nature: Green-throated Mango
Kamal50: Negotiating
Kamal50: Semipalmated Plover
Kamal50: White-tailed Goldenthroat
Kamal50: White-tailed Goldenthroat - flight
Wayne Pinkston: Fly Away...
Kamal50: The Pelican Brake
Kamal50: Little Cuckoo
J. E. Foster: Cedar Waxwing
Kamal50: Bat Falcon
S.J. Trinidad & Tobago Nature: Red-rumped Woodpecker
Kamal50: Gull Ballet
Kamal50: Ghillie Suit
S.J. Trinidad & Tobago Nature: Black-faced Antthrush
Thomas Shahan: "The Golden Buprestid" - Buprestis aurulenta - Salem, Oregon
Curepian: Western Reef Heron - Tobago
Kamal50: Black-headed Gull
Kamal50: Blackburnian Warbler
J. E. Foster: A Bird in the Hand
Kamal50: Tennessee Warbler