andrea.sereno82: DSCF2865-1
Creepella Gruesome: "Many bad things have happened here"
lizzard2158: tiny wonderful flower
lizzard2158: Cecil County MD
sgarcia: Smart women love smart men more than smart men love smart women.
lizzard2158: Patience young grasshopper
lizzard2158: I'll rip your head off
lizzard2158: What is rest?
cinnamon girl 71: Edinburgh Castle
lizzard2158: back to the old days
ninakuriloff: Green eye 4/2/10
evanleavitt: Pack Up Your Troubles
ilah : Comma
lizzard2158: Winter bug
lizzard2158: the lake house
Creepella Gruesome: Death whispered a lullaby
JeahFree: Uno!
JeahFree: ROSES 02
Detroit Liger: Detroit 6/10
Detroit Liger: Detroit 6/10