mikeyashworth: Lettering template designed by Jan Tschichold : in Buch - und - Werbekunst : 1930 Heft 7 : Der Offset-Verlag G.M.B.H. : Leipzig : Deutschland
Maxrr: First Light!
Maxrr: nieces had some fun with the Girih tiles
Maxrr: Weekends work at Sydney Hackerspace
nervous system: Laplacian Growth #2
NYCDOT: 24 Foot Fly's Eye Dome
mi ha: reaction diffusion cube
doc_tor_matt: sky, sorted
modern_fred: fantastic vintage science fiction artwork from magazines
modern_fred: fantastic vintage science fiction artwork from magazines
stuart.childs: DRBO - pen holder assembly 33
modern_fred: fantastic vintage science fiction artwork from magazines
modern_fred: fantastic vintage science fiction artwork from magazines
modern_fred: fantastic vintage science fiction artwork from magazines
modern_fred: fantastic vintage science fiction artwork from magazines
modern_fred: fantastic vintage science fiction artwork from magazines
modern_fred: fantastic vintage science fiction artwork from magazines
modern_fred: fantastic vintage science fiction artwork from magazines
modern_fred: fantastic vintage science fiction artwork from magazines
modern_fred: fantastic vintage science fiction artwork from magazines
modern_fred: fantastic vintage science fiction artwork from magazines
modern_fred: fantastic vintage science fiction artwork from magazines
nervous system: Corollaria jewelry
modern_fred: large papercraft Discovery spacecraft from 2001: a space odyssey (in progress)
bustbright: IMG_1388
kongorilla: LaserWeb4 Plot1
Jun Mitani: 20170512