stubinde: Bedford
stubinde: Havrevågen
anatole shamrakov: Autumn in Greenwich 2020
stubinde: Ortnevik church
stubinde: Gardermoen airport
stubinde: Fridtjov den frøkne
stubinde: Jølster i november
stubinde: Castello di Santa Severa
stubinde: In it too deep
stubinde: Myklebuststøylen
stubinde: Jūrmalas iela, Liepāja, Latvia
vinceBM: Le Perchoir
stubinde: Bergen in January
stubinde: Bergen train station
stubinde: Bergen leprosy museum
stubinde: Florence bus station
stubinde: Worlds oldest (and most corrupt?)
stubinde: Sleeping beauty
stubinde: Olive trees
stubinde: Sørre-knausen
stubinde: Fagernes
paprycjusz: Świnica
stubinde: Pompeii-rommet, Rosendal
stubinde: Steinsenteret, Rosendal
stubinde: Rosendal
Christopher Cherry: I Am Hip Hop
W LIZARD: 石垣島平久保崎
stubinde: Westminster underground
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 9 of "The Bab Ballads, with which are included Songs of a Savoyard ... With 350 illustrations by the author"