Michael W Williams: San Carlos, California
laura padgett andersen: juan-les-pins (2005) - 42
marysmyth(NOLA13) ️: An ongoing dig for colour
Fleur-de-Leigh: A Mardi Gras Indian Chief
Fleur-de-Leigh: Singing Chief
Fleur-de-Leigh: Purple & Orange Indian
Orione59: A Dog's Life
Orione59: Rome at our feet --- (Explore #1)
denisedaysmith: find the good in every day
Ms_Dori: Photo 1 - 2012-03-31
rappy2766: "R" with shadow
rappy2766: creativity is contagious: pass it on! - albert einstein
ddhabicht: Having fun taking Joanne Sharpe's letting class
denisedaysmith: you always had the power
Carolyn M C: sunrise, sunset - credit card flowers
roflute: Let Your Joy Shine
roflute: Some more Letter Lovin'
long village lettering: c langsdorf playing blog
-yury-: Florence
Michel Mintaka: Paris, Rue Lepic
kate053: Paris
wlappe: paris
wlappe: paris
CyberMacs: Colosseum - HDR
amandamgoldston: Italian Man Slices Sausage
nexus06_it: Springtime in Florence
nexus06_it: A man with a Dog
c.huller: Morning walk in Florence